17 Women Share Their Brutally Honest Thoughts On Dating Men For Their Money
"Of course life is more comfortable with money, but as long as he's not lazy and indifferent, I don't care how much money he has. Money can't buy him passion."

1. “If they have a lot of money, they probably did something to get that money, and motivation is attractive. When a guy works for what he has, it’s hot, and I like that.” —Anita, 24
2. “I would never date someone for the amount of money they have, but if a guy has a lot of it, it’s definitely a plus.” —Rachael, 23
3. “Okay, well let’s think about this. We’re in our twenties, and what do we do on the weekends? We go out. If a guy can’t afford to buy me a drink, then it’s probably going to be awkward when I have an empty glass in my hand and a bartender asking if I’d like another. So yes, money matters to some extent.” —JoAnna, 25