Twenty20 / marcobertoliphotography

15 Single Women Reveal Why They’re Still Single (So You Can Stop Asking)

“Not to sound conceited, but people always tell me I’m ‘too pretty to be single.’ If that were true, I’d have a boyfriend.”


Twenty20 / marcobertoliphotography
Twenty20 / marcobertoliphotography

1. “I just got out of a 5 year relationship. I am in no rush to be in another one anytime soon. In fact, I’m staying as far away from romance as humanly possible. If you even say the word ‘date’ to me I might try to hurt you.” —Karen, 25


2. “Not to sound conceited, but people always tell me I’m ‘too pretty to be single.’ If that were true, I’d have a boyfriend.” —Alyssa, 24


3. “I’ve been through some tough breakups, and no matter how many advice articles you read on the internet, they’re not exactly easy to get over. I guess I’m single because I’m scared to be hurt again.” —Marie, 27


4. “I’m single because I haven’t met a guy who has been as cool as I am.” —Adrianna, 23


5. “I’ve met men who I’ve been physically attracted to, but then their personality is subpar, and I’ve met men with a great personality, but the physical attraction just isn’t there. I want both, and I’m single because I refuse to settle on someone who only has one or the other.” —Jenna, 27


6. “I have a really busy work week. I leave my apartment at 5 am and won’t get home until 8 pm. I don’t have time to be texting someone all day, or to even be thinking about someone all day. For now, work has my focus, and until someone comes along to break that focus, I’ll remain single.” —Loretta, 28


7. “I think men are intimidated by me. Not because I’m beautiful, I’m not that vain, but because of my profession, and my education. I’ve talked to men about how they wish they could find a woman with intelligence, someone they can have an intellectual conversation with, but I’m right here, and I’m still very much single.” —Nicollette, 29


8. “I’m really shy when it comes to meeting new people. I think guys are instantly attracted to the girl who grabs their attention, and I don’t think that girl is me. Maybe they think I’m standoffish, but I’m just quiet, and that’s most likely never going to change.” —Kasey, 24


9. “Honestly, I think I’m trying too hard. I’m just going to let life happen. If a guy comes along, great, if not, oh well.” —Olivia, 26


10. “I have a kid, so not only does a potential boyfriend have to care about me, they have to care about my daughter. We’re a package, you can’t have me without her, and I think guys will be open to the idea at first, about dating a mom, like they have this awesome milf idea set up in their head, but when they realize the reality of being a parent, and the mess that comes with it, they don’t call or text. It becomes less of a milf situation and more of a run and never return situation.” —Kyra, 26


11. “I continuously go for guys who treat me like crap, and those little flings don’t exactly last long. So I’m single…until I find another guy, who will most likely treat me like crap again.” —Gretchen, 23


12. “I actually enjoy being single. I don’t have anyone else to worry about. I can go where I want, hangout with who I want, and do what I want when I want to do it. I run the show, and while that sounds selfish, it’s effing fantastic.” —Liz, 26


13. “My longest relationship has been 4 months, and that was in high school. I’ve never been in relationships, not because I don’t want to be, or because I don’t like them, but because I just haven’t met a guy worth having one with.” —Dana, 24


14. “I don’t care that I don’t have someone to ‘share my life with.’ I’m sharing my life with myself, and my friends and my family. That’s fine for now. Maybe it will become a problem later, when all my friends are married with children, but maybe by then I’ll be married with children too.” —Nadine, 23


15. “The answer is obvious, I’m single because I’m not currently in a relationship. Why am I not in a relationship? No idea, I’ve been asking myself the same question.” —Monica, 24 Thought Catalog Logo Mark