12 Women Share Little Comments Their Boyfriends Make That They Find Extremely Insulting
"He told me I look better with makeup. Even if you think it's true, why say it? That just makes me self conscious and now I feel like I have to have a full face on every time I'm around him."

1. “He told me I look better with makeup. Even if you think it’s true, why say it? That just makes me self conscious and now I feel like I have to have a full face on every time I’m around him.” —Erin, 24
2. “When he makes fun of every fat actress on TV, and actually can’t watch movies Melissa McCarthy is in. I get so insulted.” —Danielle, 25
3. “I tried to learn to play violin and when I’d practice while he was in the room, or apartment, he’d ask me to stop. It wasn’t a huge deal, but he didn’t support me. I want encouragement, not to feel embarrassed for trying something new.” —Leanne, 23
4. “When he told me to shave my lady parts, I just felt like saying ‘You should be glad you’re having sex with me at all!’ I hate it when a guy tells me how to groom.” —Kat, 28
5. “I gained a little bit of weight about 6 months into the relationship, and I noticed he’d make little hints about what I was eating. It wasn’t like I gained 60 pounds, it was probably 5 or 10, but when he’d say things like, ‘Are you really going to eat all that?’ or ‘What did you have for lunch today?’ even if he’s joking, I’m definitely not laughing. Yes, I’m going to eat this entire burger, and yes I’m going to enjoy every minute of it.” —Chelsea, 27
6. “He once told me I have a really deep voice. He immediately saw my displeased reaction and tried to make up for it, telling me he thought it was super sexy, bla bla bla. I felt really manly after that, but in the worst way possible.” —Ella, 24
7. “We went for a jog and he said I run like I have a stick up my ass. Like, really? That made me want to never run again.” —Brittany, 22
8. “One time he called me ditzy. I am not a ditz. I graduated in the top 10 percent of our class, he wasn’t even in the top 40. That relationship lasted about a month. Don’t call me dumb.” —Chrissy, 23
9. “I love dressing up, and my friends would definitely describe me as trendy, but when I’d wear something a bit out of the ordinary, he’d make me feel stupid for doing it. Little things like ‘Are you going to a skate park?’ (while wearing jeans with holes) EVERYONE wears destroyed denim! Men have it so easy, button downs and pants. So when I try to look cute and he makes me feel anything but, yes, it’s insulting.” —Sierra, 27
10. “I tried giving him a lap dance and he was laughing the entire time. I have yet to give him another.” —Meredith, 24
11. “My best friend is a guy, and when I hangout with him my boyfriend ALWAYS has something to say about it. He implies that I’m cheating on him without explicitly saying it, and I have never and would never cheat on him. When he makes those comments he’s questioning my integrity. Insulting? Yes.” —Tina, 29
12. “He really doesn’t like my mom. I understand that they don’t have to be best friends, but when he says things like, ‘You’re mom really embarrassed herself tonight.” She’s my MOM! Sometimes she can be crazy, but I love her, and when you insult her you’re insulting me.” —Morgan, 26