7 Songs That Are Guaranteed To Amp You Up For A First Date

Brooke Cagle
Brooke Cagle

First dates can be scary, as we’re all well aware. There’s all this pressure to make sure everything goes right. Picking the perfect spot to meet up for the first time—can’t be so loud that you can’t hear each other, but also shouldn’t be too quiet. Then you have to make sure you wear a flattering outfit, something that complements you in all the right ways. And god forbid you get a pimple because that’s a whole other monster to deal with.

Then there’s the expectations and nagging anxieties floating around in your mind before the date even starts. Is your date going to live up to your expectations? Is he or she really as cool as they seemed over text? What do I do if they have bad breath? What do I do if I have bad breath?

Sometimes the perfect song can help you clear your head and mellow out. Here are seven of the best first date tracks for getting your spirits high and helping to calm your nervous brain.

1. SexyBack – Justin Timberlake

Is there really anything that can make you feel sexier and more confident than Justin Timberlake? This song is the definition of amped up—it’s got smooth beats, Justin’s crooning vocals, and even some kind of silly but also kind of amazing lyrics. Confidence is your sexiest attribute, so start off the playlist by reclaiming your sexy for this date!

2. First Date – Blink-182

This has to be on this list because, well, duh. It pretty much sums up all the anxiety and nerves that come with prepping for a first date as well as the simultaneous desire for it to end immediately but also last forever. “Is it cool if I hold your hand?” Oh, the inner turmoil…

3. Kiss Me – Sixpence None the Richer

This song is perfect for making anyone feel like the star of a romantic comedy. Just picture it playing in the background as a montage of your favorite moments from the date float by, ending with the picture perfect goodnight kiss.

4. Don’t Stop Me Now – Queen

Nothing like a little Freddie Mercury to get you jazzed up and feeling ready for a big date! This song has so much energy and happiness, plus the exact sentiments you want to hold onto through your date. “Tonight, I’m gonna have myself a real good time.” Damn right you are.

5. I Gotta Feeling – The Black Eyed Peas

The right mindset is key for a positive first date experience, and this song is chockfull of encouragement. And plus, if the song makes you want to dance your ass off in the process then that’s just a bonus.

6. Get Lucky – Daft Punk

Maybe this is overly ambitious, or maybe it’s perfectly acceptable—you’ll be able to gauge that once you’re actually on the date. Getting lucky doesn’t just have to mean sleeping together, either. It could mean that you’ve gotten lucky by bagging a hottie that’s also super cool and whom you’re super compatible with. Fingers crossed.

7. Don’t Stop Believin’ – Journey

Is there any amped up playlist anywhere that doesn’t include this song? If it’s not on the list then it probably isn’t real anyway. Not only is this song fun as hell, but it also has a great message to go along with it. And, once again, it sets the course for a positive night. Plus no one will judge you if you’re screaming the lyrics as you’re driving to meet your date because who could even blame you? Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Nicole Ortiz

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