Nick Bente
Articles by
Nick Bente
Why Veterans Should Write
There are approximately 19.6 million military veterans in the United States. The U.S. population is over 319 million.
9 More Obnoxiously Cute Modern Love Songs For You And Your Significant Other
Music has a great way of connecting our hearts and souls. It brings people together like nothing else can.
The Engagement Ring Is Dead — Long Live The Engagement Ring
In truth, the history of diamond engagement rings isn’t quite the tale as old as time most people have been led to believe.
5 Reasons ‘Batman Beyond’ Should Be The Next Batman Film
We’ve seen Bruce Wayne’s story. It’s been done.
5 Pieces Of Fashion Advice For The Modern Man
What do you wear to a day function versus an evening event? Is a dark suit during a day wedding appropriate? What’s the different between smart casual and business casual?
9 Obnoxiously Cute Modern Love Songs For You And Your Significant Other
Here are some obnoxiously cute modern love songs you and your significant other can listen to and look all doe-eyed at each other.
4 Awesome Things About Entering Your Late 20s
At this point in your life you’re most likely established in some manner or other. You probably have a place of your own, an acceptable (you can define this however you want) income, a core group of friends, maybe even a decent relationship.
4 Terrible Things About Entering Your Late 20s
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 20? 50? I don’t even know where I’ll be in three years.
An Inner Monologue Of Someone With Writer’s Block
Remember that time Stephanie from 7th grade dumped milk on your head at lunch in the cafeteria? Let’s dwell on that for an hour.
10 Concept Cars That Prove The Future Is Now
I for one am super excited about the future of the electric car market. Call me crazy but I think things are really going to change soon (well, at least in my lifetime, I hope).
Letting the poison slither down your esophagus like a snake, clouding your senses, taking you to nirvana, was all you really needed.
6 Upcoming Pieces Of Technology We Need To Be Talking About
1. Glasses Free TV
The Fat Acceptance Movement Will Result In People’s Deaths
The bottom line comes down to health.
9 Unlikely Levels Of Profoundness From Comedians
Comedians make us laugh, that’s true, but every once in a while they can really show us something about ourselves and the world around us that make us think a little more and a little deeper than we usually do.
12 More Great Movies That Are (Technically) Worse Than Sharknado 2
In no just world is Sharknado 2 better than Space Jam. You don’t insult His Royal Airness like that!
12 (Arguably) Great Movies That Are (Technically) Worse Than Sharknado 2
Sharknado 2: The Second One received a 48% on Rotten Tomatoes’ “Tomatometer”. Here is a quick list of some brilliant movies that somehow scored worse than Sharknado 2.
4 Things No One Told Me About Deploying In The Military
After experiencing my first deployment there were a few things I wasn’t entirely prepared for. Things like…
10 Weird Thoughts You Have When You Have Roommates
4. I haven’t seen that one guy in awhile…