If I Was Running For President, I’d Promise To Never Put Us In This Mess Again

The White House
The White House

If I was running for president, I’d promise to never put us in this mess again. I’d set precedents, treat mistakes as lessons, and that’s a testament of identifying the struggles and striving to only lessen them. If I was running for president, I’d skip the lies like silicone and vow to only try to uplift lives until I’m gone. We’re used to self righteous candidates spreading hate, sick as sin; they may sound sweet, but they’re splenda – aka fake as shit. If I was running for president I wouldn’t seek out another crusade, and you can be damn sure I’d have better hair than a millionaire in a toupee. If I was running for president I wouldn’t side with the majority, I’d stand for minorities because those that aren’t seen are always a priority. And someone please tell Hilary that shouting “black lives matter” isn’t initiation into a sorority. If I was running for president, I’d admit that war is a game of mathematics, and poverty is elastic – it always snaps back. There’s too many people falling through the cracks, as they undermine the social classes, and undercut the global masses. They’re raising taxes and breaking backs – the same backs they claim to have, that came to pass, the same ones they swung the axe with. Bastards. It’s a disaster always waiting to happen. Because politics is a game of dominatrix; the more you dominate the more you play in the majors, the more you time you get on the stage, the more your name appears on the history pages. Which is all written by a white hand, a white man penning down experiences he can’t imagine or understand. They claim it ain’t about the shade but nothing’s ever grey, and for those who always claim that nothing’s ever changed, point to Rosa Parks and Malcolm X and demonstrate how they paved the way. Show them how parents got dreams for their kids they’ll never get to see in their lifetime, because their kids spend their lives stuck inside the same pipeline. And if I became president, I’d probably give up the power, dissolve the position and quit in the same hour. Because the drive for power and money is an ambition that’s feeble, and I don’t want it if it means exploiting my people. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Naveed A. Khan

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