Nathan Savin Scott

The 5 Golden Rules Of Moving

When you don’t eat, you feel hangry. (Hanger = anger spawned by hunger.) Hanger is a horrible emotion. It comes from deep down in you, a bubbling cauldron of stress and caloric deficiency leading to a meltdown of child-actor proportions.

So You Want To Comment On The Internet

I gotta say, you’re a little late to the game here. Most online commenting stars are well on their way to greatness by the time they hit puberty, you know?

A Story About New Orleans

I lived there for six of my 26 years, which locals will be quick to tell you is 20 years too few to have a real, valid opinion on the matter.

The Prettiest Songs Of All Time

A pretty song is one that you play in your kitchen, stirring onions that are just starting to crack in the heat of bubbling oil, the sun setting through the western window of your apartment.

Instagramming Your Way To Relevancy

Recently, scientists made history by taking a 26-year-old writer and, through an experimental procedure, put his entire being through an Instagram filter. These interviews were conducted before and after the procedure.

Minutes From The Thought Catalog Weekly Editorial Meeting

I trust you’ve already collaborated with Vikram, our Managing Editor of Articles about Being Young and Living in New York City, and Harriet, our Managing Editor of Lists and Other Short Things That People Like Reading on the Internet?