Natalie Trznadel
Writer. Photographer. Dreamer.
A Spotify Playlist For When You Realize It Was At Least Half Your Fault
“Everything is nothing without you.”
Yes I’m Addicted To Social Media, No, I Really Don’t Give A Shit
So yes, I’m addicted to social media. And so are millions of people – not just the young ones.
The Love Will Never Be Gone, But It’s Time To Move On
You can’t grow if you won’t move. Every path we take in life takes us somewhere else. We need to accept that.
You Have To Love A Sensitive Soul Differently
Be their anchor and let their wings fly, while you hold the line tightly.
Here’s To The Freedom Of Being Unapologetically Yourself
Express yourself in all the ways you want.
You Should Give Your Heart To Pisces
You should give your heart to Pisces. There’s no one better.
Where Has Your Voice Gone?
Your voice is waiting for you to give it a stage. To let it speak so that you can be listened to again.
You’re Not Poetry (You’re Better)
You’re not poetry. You don’t have to be a beautifully structured poem to be incredible. You’re a human, and that’s more than you could ever hope for.
Why ‘Queen of the South’ Is The Show Everyone Enjoying Strong And Powerful Women Needs
If you enjoy gripping and intriguing thrillers with a speck of female empowerment, then I recommend giving this show a shot.
This is What Being ‘Woke’ REALLY Means, Because It’s Not All Twitter Rants And Clever T-Shirt Slogans
To put it simply, being “woke” means support and help.
7 Things We Don’t Talk About When We Talk About Being Burnt Out
Contrary to what you might be thinking, it’s something everyone goes through, no matter what industry or field you work in, or what you do in life.
5 Things All Immigrants Can Definitely Relate To
Your identity will be uniquely yours. Whether your parents are from different countries or you moved someplace else as a child, your identity will be comprised of at least two different cultures.
I’m Slowly Learning To Only Live Life For Me
I no longer care about the opinions of irrelevant people that have no effect or impact on my life and I refuse to listen to them.
5 For Sure Signs You’ve Found Your Forever Friends
You can get drunk with them. It can either be a celebration or a cheer up day, but drinking with your lifetime friends beats everything else in the world.
This Is Why You Only Need To Live For Yourself And No One Else
We all get lost reading lifestyle articles, following into our parents’ or friends’ footsteps, and believing every single word we read, that we forget the most important thing.