Natalie Quiles

too busy daydreaming…

I Crave Numbness Like A Drug

I crave numbness like a drug. It scratches at me, somewhere deep in my mind. It whispers to me, a seductive mantra that finds me at my weakest point.

We Fall In Love In The Rain

Our yin and yang, our complimentary colors,
our lock and key love that matches, in
the pouring rain, hidden in thick drops.

I Am A Flower Tangled In The Weeds

I spit thorns between
two lips
scratching into those that come too near,
who try to buy my bouquet
without realizing
what type of flower I am.

When I Slice Into My Skin

I slashed sunshine slivers into my skin
and the gentle light has been eclipsed by moonlight
Raised silver veins that reach across tightly stretched skin and bones

Sometimes I Dream Of Elsewhere

On this road I have walked and ran, driven and flown, the pavement acting as a side note, a detail on the way to the actual story. The real events, the memories, the excitement and life.

You Never Forget Your First Love

Even when I moved on, so far consumed by other crushes you became a dim memory, I never truly forgot. As though when it comes to you, reason does not hold. I can count on all ten fingers and ten toes reasons to not like you, reasons to forget you but it’s so damn hard.