When I Turned Eighteen

Rose Photography
Rose Photography

When I turned eighteen, I met a guy with beautiful eyes and broad shoulders. I know that calling a man beautiful is a little odd, but gosh he was beautiful. I spent my first semester staring at him in the dining commons and around the gym. I was convinced that he was the most beautiful guy in the entire university, hence I thought I’d never have a chance. Somehow we met by luck and I convinced myself that the stars were aligning for me. That same evening he quickly rendezvoused me to his three bedroom apartment where his friends were smoking pot out of a bong in the living room. He showed me a couple music videos on his laptop as I laid my head upon his shoulder and for a moment I thought that I actually had a chance. Moments later he discreetly and smoothly took off my distressed jeans and my blue laced underwear. We had a one night stand on the top bunk of the bed he shared with his roommate (whom walked in half ways through). The whole time I kept thinking that I had made a horrible mistake while he forced himself onto me with tears running down my cheeks. I walked back alone to my dorm room at six in the morning the next day. He didn’t have anything to offer or give except a sexually transmitted disease and a petty apology. In the end, I learned that I wasn’t invincible and that I couldn’t give my body away to just anyone nor trust them too easily. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Natalie Meza

Natalie Meza is an old soul who is addicted to coffee and falling in love.

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