Natalie Meza

Natalie Meza is an old soul who is addicted to coffee and falling in love.

Articles by
Natalie Meza

When I Was Nineteen

I should have known he loved me when he left flowers at my doorstep ‘just because it was Thursday’.

When I Was Seventeen

He might have said things that he will never be able to take back, but he left me scars that dug deeper than words ever did.

When I Was Sixteen

I hurt him because I couldn’t love him back, no matter how strong his love was.

This Is What Real Love Looks Like When You End Apart

He wanted to know what I was afraid of, what my favorite Disney movie was, what my top five songs were, and what made me smile in the simplest way. I think that ’s when I knew that he was someone I could easily fall in love with.