Stop Chasing Boys And Start Chasing Your Dreams

Alexandru Zdrobău
Alexandru Zdrobău

Girls, ever since we were young we have been surrounded by thoughts created by other people. These thoughts have influenced our perception of the world and shaped us into the women we are today. While we were growing up, our mothers instructed us to find a man before we got too old, so that we wouldn’t “grow old and alone”.

Yet, we watched as our mothers would weep from the pain inflicted upon them by the men in their lives. Our friends constantly reminded us to “wait at least three dates until you sleep with him”. Yet, we accepted that it was okay if a man had casual sex with a different woman every weekend. Our family members encouraged us to pursue graduate school, so we did. Yet, we soon learned that some men are intimidated by smart, educated women.

So we played dumb to get them to like us. Once we had been in a committed relationship for a few years, we were pressured to “settle down” with him, and our married friends would ask us if he had “popped the question”. Yet, four years later when he left us for another woman, we were told that there are “plenty of other fish in the sea” and that “Mr. Right is right around the corner.”

Why is it that our entire existence seems to be based around finding a man? If we aren’t dating someone, we are supposedly seen as “independent and free-spirited.” Yet, secretly our fathers worry that we will never give them grandchildren.

Girls, women, ladies, please take note: your existence does not depend on finding a man.

We need to discard all of the thoughts that outsiders have cast upon us. We need to stop believing that the only way to be happy in life is if we find our perfect guy.

You are perfectly fine on your own, just you. No man will ever be able to love you like you can love yourself. It is only after you learn to love yourself entirely, that you will discover true internal happiness and peace.

Once you realize this, you will blossom into the most wonderful version of yourself.

So, fall in love with yourself. Stop wasting your precious time chasing boys, and start chasing your dreams. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Naomi Xocatyl

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