Mriganka Chawla

Not just another pretty face in the crowd.

Articles by
Mriganka Chawla

This Is How You Fall Back In Love With Yourself

Find a dandelion and blow everything you don’t want around you anymore and pretend that it’s all those things. Watch them fly away into the sky, getting away from you, somewhere far, far away. To a place where they can never come back from.

I Am The One You Will Look For

I will be the only thought in your mind
When you hear the love song she dedicated to you
My warmth will be the only solace you crave
When you are lying cold in the bed beside her.

I’m That Girl Who Turns Guys Into Assholes

I don’t feel guilty while I nod as you tell me you want to marry me and have a daughter with a nose exactly like mine. I hate my nose and I never plan to get married but I don’t tell you that, because I am busy thinking of him and how I deserved to hear all this piece of crap from him.