Morgan Koter
After struggling with body image and disordered eating, Morgan started Mint+Mo to inspire others to break perfectionism and be the happiest and healthiest version of themselves.
Articles by Morgan Koter
This Is Why I’m Happy I Had An Eating Disorder
I am happy I had an eating disorder because I can inspire and help others with similar struggles.
An Open Letter To The Single Girl On Valentine’s Day
Your heart deserves to be held and loved so I’m writing a little note to you.
Why I’m Not Resolving To Lose Weight This Year
I totally support people making healthy changes and routines, but I cringe thinking about the entire movement to lose weight in the new year, mostly because I associate dieting with the darkest part of my life.
A Letter To The Girl Who Dreads Swimsuit Season
The way your body looks in a swimsuit does not determine your value, worth, HEALTH, purpose or status.