Monica Davis

My name is Monica Davis. I am a resilience and mental health advocate, an artist, a writer, and possibilitarian.

My Journey Using Alternative Healing For My Mental Illness

My journey is Heartbreak. Childhood Trauma. Iraq’s Warzone. Helplessness. Stigma. My journey is Bipolar Disorder. PTSD. And a fierce case of acute anxiety with a sprinkle of panic disorder on top. My journey is survival, finding hope, and sharing my experiences because the vibrations you create will be returned as an even greater echo.

Sometimes With Growth Comes Pain

Sure, I still struggle, I still have manic episodes and can easily forget my strength – but in this tiny moment, when I know there is something unsettling within me – I am able to own it, know that I am safe, and find comfort that I will eventually figure things out.

I Need To Finally Let My Guard Down

I need to let down my guard and give you my scars. I need you to wrap your love around me and heal the wounds that have left my heart battled and bruised. I need you, I am yours.

To The Wild And Hopeful Hearts

You and I are damaged – but you already know that, and it is because of those tangled experiences that have become part of our character, that we are now able to see what is right in front of us – a blind faith yet serendipitous intuition of anticipation.

How To Find Courage After Being Broken

For your free spirit to fly, you must stare down fear and the unfamiliar and lead with blind faith in yourself, and in what serendipitous adventures await you.

My Beautiful Life With Bipolar Disorder

This is reality for people like me. This is how we live in our skin and in our minds. Medicine, therapies, there is no cure – there are only treatments – this life of mine is amazing, but these parts physically and emotionally exhaust me.

Let This Be The Year You Destroy The Stigma Of Mental Illness

For your 2017 resolutions, I hope you incorporate how you can help others find hope because resolutions are not always matter of fact, they are not just about losing weight, working out, spending less, or giving up something – they should always be about the greater good from within.