What Are You Afraid Of?

Holly Mandarich

Your best kept secrets. Those things you hold tightly as they grasp for air in a tightening bottle. Remember – if you shake it – it will explode. What are you afraid of?

I suppose for me it’s those things not projected all over social media – the lasting moments with abusive lovers, the intake of small social gatherings, the intimacy of your private daily rituals and habits, native judgements, big plans and ideas that never come to fruition, and promises that are ricocheted and never kept.

It can also be those estranged feelings your subconscious hasn’t allowed you to acknowledge fully – but you know they are there. We hide behind blindness, we revel in what is only on the surface – we thrive on identity and acceptance in a way that will never make us whole — and we are denying our healing and ability to embrace our own raw truth. But what is too raw?

I believe that the rawest parts of us – are ultimately what makes us shine, what gives us the courage to survive. We are all damaged goods – but we are, underneath it all – good.

We are good – but we are done being delicate. So scream. Scream your truth out loud. Do you feel that purge? Do you feel that release? Drop the fear, drop the act. It is time to clench your fist and raise it high not just for what you believe in, but for your whole self, and your soul freedom. Shake the bottle baby – don’t just throw it out to sea.

Be true, turn yourself on, stop playing make believe and create – be your own guru. Be an enabler of honest and guttural self strength. Imagine how unlimited you will become once you tear down those hidden walls, believe in your fullest potential as a human being, and broadcast your most authentic frequency. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Monica Davis

My name is Monica Davis. I am a resilience and mental health advocate, an artist, a writer, and possibilitarian.

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