How To Find Courage After Being Broken

Jesse Parkinson

Courage is being vulnerable when you are struggling to find your way. Courage is sharing your story with others even though your voice has butterflies. Courage is opening your heart to love after its been crushed over and over.

Courage is having the patience to wait for the right moment, and courage can be jumping into the unknown without looking back. Courage is one of my favorite words lately, it is the very essence of my other favorite word – possibilitarian.

For your free spirit to fly, you must stare down fear and the unfamiliar and lead with blind faith in yourself, and in what serendipitous adventures await you.

Anything is possible, and it is our job to find out what our anything looks like. I believe to feel connected with the universe, with people, with love – you need to stop escaping, fleeing experiences that will fill your joy bucket and heart.

Courage is the kind of word we use when we know our lives need to be shaken up, to free ourselves from insecurity and doubt – and make our journey rich and remarkable. Courage is what we need to up our growth game, to ignite new life into our souls, new hopes and dreams – a new beginning can be redone over and over – that is beautiful.

We should never be judged on the worst things we have done – we should be able to evolve into a version of our vintage selves that sheds light on what we have gained from our past – and without courage, this would be impossible.

I for one know that life is full of everyday little joys – they add up, and they are everything to our wellness.

When all you want to do is give up, listen to your courage whispering ‘Try one more time’ – because bravery doesn’t always present itself loudly, it is also the quiet voice in your mind reminding you that you are daring and real and compassionate and strong. Courage my dear heart, is all you need. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Monica Davis

My name is Monica Davis. I am a resilience and mental health advocate, an artist, a writer, and possibilitarian.

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