Monica Davis

My name is Monica Davis. I am a resilience and mental health advocate, an artist, a writer, and possibilitarian.

Articles by
Monica Davis

We Need To Stop Living With So Much Hate Inside Of Us

How can people find it in themselves, in their own life bubbles to throw rocks at other people with words, or ignite insignificant hate campaigns of their own, when this world of ours is in such turmoil? Why is it that the nooks and crannies are now looking so similar to the big hate we see in the world?

Don’t Confuse A Season For A Lifetime

Don’t confuse a season for a lifetime – things will change – and right now, let’s be trees and drop everything that no longer serves a purpose in our story.

The Power Of An Eclipse

Let’s all stare into the universe and not try and make sense of it all – but to open our minds to endless possibilities of unity – and for only a couple hours – forget what so many believe separate our journeys and realize what we can become as one.

Collecting Memories

What do you collect? I collect wine corks, art supplies, cycling swag, puppy love kisses, trucker hats and tank tops. I also have a collection of special adoptions from Iraq, Turkey, Dubai, and my time spent while overseas.

I’m Breaking Up With Drama

Same goes for the lame pop-culture magazines – fuck them. I no longer invite people into my tribe who sabotage my growth, and believe me at this point in my life – I can smell their kind many miles away.

Hard Love Is Still Love

Love hard, be fierce, and never underestimate the power someone will feel when you allow them to take ownership of their voyage.

Letting Go While Holding Onto Scars

Never completely let things go, hold them hovering above your sacred soul to teach, to forgive, and to honor what you have so bravely conquered. This is how it works – this is how we grow.

I’m Done Apologizing For My Anxiety And Depression

I am done apologizing for my anxiety and depression — they are part of me. And because of them I have been forced to be okay with me, myself, and I. Alone in this mad world of unexpected panic and feeling as if I’m literally going to die, or finding a dark room more pleasant than the sun.

Just Say Yes

In these recent moments though – my God – I am feeling an itch – to fuck shit up in the best of ways. To make an impact, make it known, and to whistle as I work. I am ready to forge, to be a change agent and to be a voice for others who want to listen.

8 Ways To Bring Joy Back Into Your Life

 These are the little things in your day-to-day life that many take advantage of. Listen – the majority of us can’t just pick up and go, change our lives drastically, or even a little bit – so it is time to focus on the things that are already in your joy bubble, your life as a whole – that bring a smile to your face.

My Mental Illness Makes Me Even More Beautiful

I have bipolar disorder, acute anxiety, and PTSD. I believe my mental illnesses are beautiful human experiences and superpowers – and without them, none of the above would distinguish me from the rest.

What Are You Afraid Of?

Be true, turn yourself on, stop playing make believe and create – be your own guru. Be an enabler of honest and guttural self strength. Imagine how unlimited you will become once you tear down those hidden walls, believe in your fullest potential as a human being, and broadcast your most authentic frequency.