Molly McAleer

Molly McAleer lives in Los Angeles with her chihuahua and can be found on Twitter (@molls) and on Instagram (@itsmolls). Her writing has appeared on your television, your Internet and the bathroom walls of your favorite cyber cafes.

Articles by
Molly McAleer

6 Super Sad Things That Happen To Actresses In LA

You’re not supposed to feel bad for people who work in Hollywood, especially actors. They chose to work in a ridiculous profession and make tons of money if they “make it.” But after living in LA for eight years and meeting tons of people who’ve decided to come out here to make it big, I have to say that actresses in particular have the least enviable job in this business. Struggling or not, the job is full of downsides, way more than the obvious “the paparazzi stalks you on vacation.”

7 Last-Ditch Efforts To Save Your Relationship

You’re not sure when exactly you and your partner grew so far apart, but you want to fix it. Badly. And you’re willing to do whatever it takes to start the healing process because at its very core, this is a relationship worth saving.