You Are The Reason You Are Here Today

woman smelling red roses
Drop the Label Movement / Unsplash

You are the reason you get out of bed in the morning.

And if that’s all you did today, then I’m proud of you, because making that first step is not always easy. It can be scary to face a new day, especially when you’re entering the unknown, but making those first steps and showing your face to the world is more than enough. You’ve done your best.

You are the reason you have made it this far.

You’ve made it this far, so remind yourself of that. All those obstacles and terrifying situations you’ve faced are in the past now, and you’re still here, so make it count. It’s easy to get caught up in the past and even easier to get anxious about what comes next, but remember the present because that is the thing that determines your future the most.

You are the reason you are living and breathing, and that is beautiful.

You are the one who is feeding and nourishing your body, and you are the one who is keeping your body alive. You might fantasize about the perfect living situation or wish you were living somebody else’s life, but do you have any idea how lucky you are to be living at all? The odds of you being here are four trillion to one. Let that sink in for a little while.

You are the reason you are who you are.

You may have inherited some traits from your parents from the beginning, but the way your personality changed along the way is all due to your decision making. You decide who you spend your time with, and if you’re ever unhappy and can’t figure out why, it’s best to start with who you involve in your life first.

You are the reason behind others’ decision making.

It works two ways: people impact you and your life, and you do the same for them, and most of us never think about that. By saying kind words or making a small gesture that you don’t even think twice about can literally light up someone else’s world. You are the one in charge, and you are the one who can influence someone else’s happiness or sadness. Remember that.

You are the reason behind how much you love yourself.

Self-care can be a tricky thing to learn, especially if you’re in a bad headspace. But remember, however much love you give yourself will be what radiates you. The more self-love you feed your brain, the more love you will receive from others. So buy that plane ticket, buy those new shoes, and treat yourself, because you are the only one in control of you and that’s what will make you flourish. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Molly Guilmant

I just write from experience.

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