20 One-Sentence Reminders For Anyone Really Going Through It Right Now
- Not everything happens for a reason but most things do have a tendency to work out okay in the end.
- Just because something could have been different doesn’t mean it would have been more beautiful.
- Your pain is valid.
- You are not the things you have lost.
- The storm always passes.
- You are so much stronger than you think.
- There’s a reason it’s called a growing pain.
- Better times are on the horizon.
- Sometimes, not getting the things you want is actually because something more aligned with who you are becoming is on its way.
- You’re more than allowed to admit you’re not okay.
- You’re not as alone as you feel.
- It’s okay to ask for help.
- You have already healed so much more than you give yourself credit for.
- There’s power in standing on your own.
- You still need to take care of yourself even if life isn’t taking care of you.
- You’re allowed to outgrow the life you thought you wanted.
- Be gentle with your heart.
- Other people’s inability to love you doesn’t mean you aren’t lovable.
- Take a deep breath and then exhale slowly.
- You’re doing better than you think you are.