Everton Vila

I Wish All Conversations Were Like The Ones We Have At 2 AM

I wish all the words we shared were as honest and raw as the ones that escape from our lips during one night’s end and one morning’s beginning.


Everton Vila
Everton Vila

I wish all conversations
were like the ones we have
at 2 AM,
when the world is quiet
and our heartbeats loud.

I wish all the words we shared were as
honest and raw
as the ones that escape
from our lips
during one night’s end
and one morning’s beginning.

Because it’s at 2 AM
when our humanity
tends to let its guard down,
and show through.
It’s at 2 AM when
we let all of ourselves
be seen completely:
Ugly and unafraid.
Beautiful and ready
for love.

But mostly I just wish
I had another 2AM
to spend with you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark