Molly Burford
Writer. Editor. Hufflepuff. Dog person.
Articles by
Molly Burford
3 Things You Should Do During The Talking Stage
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket and don’t act like a significant other to them because you’re not.
3 Things You Should Never Do During A Situationship
Instead of hunting for clues that he is as into this as you are, you need to talk to him about where his head is at and what his intentions are.
10 Men On What Makes A Woman Wife Material Vs. Girlfriend Material
“As far as I’m concerned, the same things that make her girlfriend material. I don’t have the time or energy to invest in someone without long-term potential.”
This Is Why You Lost The Woman Who Was ‘Wife Material’
You lost her because she never knew what version of you she would get.
4 Movies That Portray Gaslighting
Sometimes, things aren’t always what they seem. And sometimes, that’s by design.
Stop Abandoning Yourself For People Who Don’t Show Up For You
Stop betraying your own boundaries for people who only disrespect them.
3 Films Where Audiences Completely Missed The Point
Here are three movies where many people completely missed the film’s point. 1.
3 Best Stand-Up Comedy Specials On Netflix This January
Ali Wong: Single Lady (2024)
What Is The Bare Minimum in a Relationship?
“They put in minimum investment in the relationship and to their partner, while expecting you to do everything for them. “
Underrated Green Flags That Prove Your Partner Has Long-Term Potential
You see your partner as the imperfect, messy human that they are (and they offer you that same grace).
How To Love Yourself Better
Let go of anyone who makes you question your worth.
You Don’t Go Back To Who You Were Before Them (And Maybe That’s Okay)
You may miss who you used to be before they entered your orbit. You may even wish you never met them at all.
Never Chase Someone Who Can’t Even Bother Seeing You In Person
A harsh truth: They know you’re interested.
The 3 Biggest Heartbreaks You’ll Experience In Your Lifetime
This is the person you fell for, and fell for hard.
This Is Exactly What Makes Each Zodiac Sign ‘Wife Material’
She loves discussing big ideas and will challenge you to think more deeply about the world around you (and your role in it).
Stay Single Until You Find A Man With These 35 Green Flags
He is kind to those who work in the service industry.
7 Green Flags That Show He’s Serious About The Relationship (Even If You Just Started Dating)
He makes it clear you’re a priority to him. He goes out of his way if and when you need him.
Demi Moore’s Golden Globe Speech Was A Beautiful Ode To Self-Love
Despite Moore’s illustrious career that has spanned over 45 years, this Golden Globe is Moore’s first-ever acting award.