Misty Kiwak Jacobs

I am a graduate of Sarah Lawrence College living, reading and writing in Scottsdale, Arizona. I eschew clever biographies. I’m a housewife who plays tennis. It’s hard to spin that.

Articles by
Misty Kiwak Jacobs

Merry Heathen Christmas, If You Must

He came down for the shepherds, Jew and Gentile, tax collectors, prostitutes and Pastafarians. He came down even for the heathens, like our little family in 1973, sitting godless in the glow of an over-tinseled tree, presents surging out from under the branches like hot magma.

Your Gay Neighbor: A Catholic Primer

There are those who base their spirituality on the the Great Commandment, or, as St. John of the Cross, a Doctor of the Church, wrote, “In the end we shall be judged on love alone.”