Mila Jaroniec
Articles by
Mila Jaroniec
How To Forget Her
You have to start thinking she’s average.
I Don’t Love You Anymore
I don’t love you anymore because I’m not important to you and you give me nothing. Maybe saying that makes me a selfish person but I no longer care.
Your Words Are Next To Me
None of the words are as good as yours.
I’m In Love With You And I Hate It
I’m trying to come up with normal things to text you.
How To Have Sex Without Developing Any Feelings Whatsoever
Under no circumstances should you let them spoon you. When it comes to feelings spooning is basically asking for it.
Inconvenient Truths About Love
No one tells you that you’ll get tired of love. No one tells you that no matter how happy you are in your relationship, occasionally you’ll wish you had only yourself to take care of again.
I Want You Because
I want you because you and I, the thought of you and I. Those letters forming those words, those words sticking together, the jellyfish swell and shrink in my chest when I think about what they mean.
How Do You Handle A Long Distance Relationship?
You can visit each other, you can Skype, you can do small things that make you feel connected to each other’s lives, but even those can sometimes seem like paltry offerings thrown into the void when you consider the vastness.
27 Songs For Your Broken Heart: A Playlist
These are songs to cry to, drink to, feel weak to; songs to feel wounded to and feel the tight swell in your chest to.
How I Know I Love You
I know I love you because I want to listen, I really do. I don’t have anywhere to be that can’t wait for a while and I’m not checking my phone, in fact turned it off and buried it in the cushions the moment you said you needed me. I’m here for you and that other thing can wait.
I’m Here For You
Sometimes, when people say “I’m here for you,” they mean “I’m here for a while, for an hour or an evening. You’re a generally good person and I enjoy your company and I know you have to vent right now, so I’ll listen; I’ll even bring the beers if you want. But I probably won’t stay the night.”
When You Need To Just Have Sex With Someone, Already
If you interact in any way on Tumblr, you obviously need to have sex. But then again everyone on Tumblr just needs to have sex with each other. Just a massive internet orgy of political correctness and hipbones and love.
What Happens When You’re Really Into Someone
You’re going to feel like the air suddenly has more oxygen, I don’t know; something is going to kick your blood into coursing and you’ll feel very almost painfully awake. You’re going to start seeing things differently.
Thank You For Being My Best Friend
Thank you for always being closest to me even when we were in separate time zones and separate stages of life. Thank you for not letting us get split by dumb facts like distance or time.
20 Signs You’re Dating The Wrong Person
They don’t respect your time. Right NOW is the opportune moment for that tedious task/remodeling project/huge argument, damn it, screw your econ exam or flight that leaves in two hours.
5 Common Misconceptions About Lesbians
There is quite possibly nothing more irritating and homicidal-feelings-inducing than being somewhere with your girlfriend and having some unimaginative weirdo ask “So who’s the guy?”
How Many People Have You Slept With?
In our culture, sex outside of a monogamous relationship is typically frowned upon. We think it’s wrong, make all kinds of assumptions about the people engaging in it and like to think there’s something inherently damaged or incomplete about them. We tend to hate the idea of sex being a fun activity, of it being a purely physical experience.
How To Go Vegan Without Wanting To Kill Yourself
Clearly, your parents have been telling you to eat your vegetables your entire life — there is no way a (well-thought out) plant-based diet can be bad for you. But because here in America we tend to be obsessed with steak and cheese, going vegan can be really hard. Or it can be really easy, depending on how you go about it.