Mike Zacchio

Mike is a New York-based writer and admitted hopeless romantic. If Ted Mosby and Carrie Bradshaw had a son, it would be him. When he’s not writing about love, dating, and relationships, he’s working his actual job as a sports reporter and columnist.

Tune into his podcast, “Heart Of The Matter” here.

In A Dating World Of Hypocritical Mediocrity, Dare To Be ‘Extra’

Why can’t we do the future of society a favor and teach kids from a young age the right way to love someone? Why can’t we teach boys that it’s okay to be vulnerable? Why can’t we teach girls that a boy who is mean to her is just mean, and that there are no ulterior motives to his behavior?

An Open Letter To The Girl That Got Away

You’ve moved on — married to what seems like a loving husband with whom you share a beautiful child — and I truly could not be happier for you. You deserve all the happiness in the world. You deserve everything that I could not give you, or at least wasn’t ready to give you.

You Are Entitled To Know Where You Stand In Your Relationship

No one person should ever feel like they are getting less out of the relationship, or that they cannot address something that is on their mind to their partner. If you cannot comfortably broach a subject with your significant other, why would you choose to invest your time, energy, and care into that person?

It’s Okay To Think You’re Difficult To Love

Being someone who is difficult to love is not an irrational thought or an unfortunate reality. If anything, it is one of the most significant realizations you can make in life. You just cannot let it break you.

The Art Of (Finally) Letting You Go

The desperation. The disillusion. The dismay. None of it was healthy. My head had to accept reality, my heart would have to shatter before it could mend, and I would have to move on from you entirely. The only way that would happen was with a complete detox.

5 Tips For The High School Graduating Class Of 2017

When I’m not contributing to Thought Catalog with sappy ramblings about love,dating, and relationships, the majority of my time is spent working my full-time job as a sports reporter — covering mostly high school sports — at my local newspaper.…

The Truth About Breaking Up, And Why It Shouldn’t Be Hard To Do

Ending your romantic relationship does not necessarily mean you are ending your friendship. That is the choice some decide to make, and that is their personal; but there should be no reason why all communication between the two of you must cease once your Facebook relationship status changes.