I Wish We Could Go Back To When We Used To Laugh

Alejandra Quiroz

Before this, I couldn’t remember the last time we laughed together. I don’t even remember the joke. I just remember the laugh. It was a full belly laugh. We had made some mutual joke, and we just let loose. We looked at each other and then looked away because we were shocked at the glittering in each other’s eyes.

It had been too long since we’d seen each other genuinely happy.

In that moment, all was right between us.

We hugged each other, and the ugliness that had formed temporarily suspended itself. For a minute, we forgot what we now know. We were fresh again. We were full of potential and hope and joy and excitement.

I started wondering. What if we had just…laughed? Would we be here right now? Would we have caused each other so much hurt? Would we be lonely? Would we have anything we wished we could go back and do over? When the tears formed and the fists clenched and the yelling started, what if we had just laughed?

What if we had considered our future more important than our anger in those moments?

If we just stopped and decided, once and for all, that we would just laugh…delayed gratification instead of instant gratification; we could have been happy.
Once the moment’s over, we settle into our usual selves. We realize where we are now.

All the baggage we formed…all the misguided choices that brought us to this point. The ‘I love yous’ and the promise ring is still absent. The laugh still tingles in the air, and I want to grab it and rewind.

I want to know how we would be if we had just laughed like we did before. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Michelle Valentine

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