10 Life Lessons You Learn After Turning 30

1. Life is what you make it

Life may throw challenges your way, but it’s up to you to face them head on. If you’re unhappy with a situation, then it’s your decision to make a change. Spend more time doing things that you truly love and with the people you cherish most. Life is what you make it so there are no excuses.

2. There’s beauty in growing older

I used to dread the idea of turning 30 when I was in my teens. But when I reached this milestone, I was surprisingly comfortable with it. Growing older will happen to us all, and we should appreciate experiencing another day. With age comes growing wisdom, the opportunity to continue to evolve and to learn.

3. Nothing lasts forever

Being in my early twenties, my dreams remained an illusion. Pursuing my passions was not my reality. I assumed getting a 9-to-5 job and working tirelessly was the safe option. But I soon realized nothing in life – whether it be your job or your possessions – is permanent. So no matter what stage you are at in life, remember nothing lasts forever. Friendships, money and love interests will come and go. Believing in permanency will stop you from taking risks and reaching your goals.

4. Self-care is important

Self-care is not just about hitting the gym and yo-yo dieting. It’s more than bubble baths and monthly massages. Self-care shouldn’t have to cost you. It’s about putting yourself first, but that doesn’t mean being selfish. Stop overextending yourself and feeling compelled to say “yes” to everything and everyone around you. Learn to unplug, enjoy a date night by yourself, and do something you enjoy most. Do whatever makes you feel good.

5. Don’t avoid rejection

Rejection is a form of fear that stops us all from being our best selves and reaching our full potential. Overcoming any fear takes hard work and patience on your part. But you should not avoid rejection, because you could be missing out on an opportunity that may change the course of your life.

6. Stop trying to be everything

Living a busy lifestyle can leave you feeling overwhelmed, and you’re likely to burnout. Stop trying to be all things to everyone around you. Stop agreeing with others because you want to be a people pleaser. It is draining and serves no purpose to you. It doesn’t make you a bad person when you start to prioritize what’s most important in your life.

7. You will survive heartbreak

Getting over a broken heart is never easy, but the pain will soon subside. Time has a way of being the ultimate healer. Allow yourself the space to cry, to dwell and be in your own thoughts, but don’t succumb to the breakup. Don’t close yourself off to finding new love. Get out there, meet with friends, laugh, and be happy. Your relationship status doesn’t define the person you are.

8. Be unapologetically you

It took me almost a decade to begin embracing my imperfections. In a world that constantly tells us to be something we’re not, it almost becomes a rite of passage to be inauthentic. We begin to lose sight of who we are and can barely recognize this new version of ourselves. Then one day everything starts to make sense. By stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing your imperfections, you realize how little you care about what others think of you. Becoming unapologetically yourself allows you to be free from restrictions and control and gives you the freedom to be your true self without fears.

9. You are where you are meant to be in life

When you were a kid, it seemed reasonable to imagine you’d be a married parent with your own house, because that’s what 30-year-olds do, right? Maybe you thought by this stage you’d have the perfect career with loads of money in the bank. If those things have happened, that’s great, but if not, that’s still great. You’re meant to be where you are in life at this very moment. Don’t agonize over the things that everyone seems to be doing. Life is not a race, so be patient.

10. Life is a lesson

We don’t always appreciate all of the things we have in life right now, from our health to family and friends. Take the opportunity to spend time with the people that mean the most to you and make your health a priority. There is only one you. Live your life fully and continue to learn. Be open to lessons and new experiences. Walk your own path and trust the journey. This is your time, so make it count. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Michelle Marshall

A self-proclaimed dreamer, navigating life through my words.