5 Reasons Why You’re Still Single (And Totally OK With It)

Ian Dooley

1. You are selfish.

Yes I said it! You are truly selfish. You value your independence above companionship. As of right now, your main interest is self-interest. You are wholly invested in nurturing your own soul. You are your number one priority and are unapologetically putting your physical, emotional and personal needs first. This is not to say you are an inconsiderate person but you place more emphasis on your own wants and needs rather than putting that energy into a significant other at present.

2. You are a work in progress.

You are busy working on yourself. Whether that be your health, career, or life goals, you have aspirations. You have dreams that you want to make a true reality. This is the time for you to dedicate yourself to reaching your goals. This is not the time to be complacent, or to neglect your desires. This is the time to grow, to improve and to progress as an individual. Your aim is to be your best self. This is YOUR time, you are work in progress.

3. You are exploring life.

You are young, wild and free. You feel too restless to settle down right now. There are so many places you wish to explore, uncharted territory you have yet to see. You are discovering things about yourself, new hobbies and interests that you want to pursue. You have the ultimate freedom to be who you want to be, decide where you want to go in life. You only have to answer to yourself. There is no one to question the decisions you choose to make, the path you choose to travel, the person you want to be. You can not be defined by your relationship status, you are too busy exploring what this world has to offer.

4. You are having fun.

You can shamelessly flirt with whomever you choose….and not feel any type guilt. Enough said!

5. You are content.

You are not alone. You are not lonely. You are not waiting to be ‘wifed’ up as soon as the opportunity arises. You are in love. In love with yourself, with your family and friends. You are a social butterfly. You life is filled with laughter and creating fond memories. You are independent. You are a free spirit. You are beautiful. You are truly content. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Michelle Marshall

A self-proclaimed dreamer, navigating life through my words.

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