Michael Solana

Follow Michael @micsolana

How To Be Cool, According To My Teenaged Self

The way I think about it is: if you’re into movies, for example, you should work at a movie theater. Then you can just go and see every movie that comes out before the rest of your friends, which is awesome.

How To Drive Without A Seatbelt

Sometimes I ride around the block without my seatbelt on just to feel something. Today, I rode all the way to work without my seatbelt on. This is the farthest I’ve ever gone so criminally naked, and let me tell you something, internet: it was exhilarating.

This Is How You Win Your 20s

If you want to win your 20s, you must never fool yourself into believing that the world owes you something. You must decide what you want and hustle for it.


Here is the great lie about crushes, internet: we pretend that they are precursors to relationships, when in fact they are a major sign that the two persons involved will never be in one together.

Here’s My Effing Resume

I designed my own major in school despite being told that I had to make a choice between a) graduating with a ‘real degree’ and b) being unemployable.

Getting Your Feet Wet

My team was backpacking through a rainforest in New Zealand, and the weather was what might best be termed as “biblical.”

Why We Love Storms

Everything was different. Your carefully manicured life is interrupted by a storm.

When Do You Fight?

But, of course, she was my mom and a woman and the thought of being taught to fight by my mom who was also a woman was basically mortifying to the point of pain. Like, I would rather have gone to school naked, or swallowed fire, or died.