This Poor Girl Is Shooting Snot From Her Eyes And It’s Disgusting


Somewhere out there, there’s a poor girl who might be still struggling with this problem. You know, the whole snot-coming-out-of-your-tear-duct problem. Before you freak out, there’s a couple of things you should know (and probably know all about, but I’m going to tell you anyway).

Mucus coming out of eye!!! / Brett Larose (Youtube)
Mucus coming out of eye!!! / Brett Larose (Youtube)

The tear duct, where tears come out to lubricate our delicate eyeballs, is connected to a chamber called the “inferior nasal meatus,” which is a nasal passage directly about the roof of your mouth. It carries extra tears from the tear ducts and down into your throat.

Mucus coming out of eye!!! / Brett Larose (Youtube)
Mucus coming out of eye!!! / Brett Larose (Youtube)

In this case, however, it seems that when pressure is applied — blowing your nose to empty the sinuses — the mucus is instead pushed up through said meatus and out through her tear ducts. What can this mean? Weak muscles? Or does it mean we all have boogers stashed somewhere deep in our faces. I wonder how it feels to get snot out from your tear ducts. Anyway, I hope she’s okay.

Mucus coming out of eye!!! / Brett Larose (Youtube)
Mucus coming out of eye!!! / Brett Larose (Youtube)

If I’ve made any errors about the human anatomy, feel free to put me on blast. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Michael Koh

Follow Michael at @UghHugs.

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