Facebook / University At Buffalo

You Won’t Believe What University At Buffalo Is Making Their Students Do Today (UPDATED)

I'm so glad I don't go there anymore.


It’s all over the news, that super lake effect storm that hit Buffalo and the surrounding Great Lakes region just this past day. Buffalonians saw 70 inches of god-fucking-damn snow. That’s six feet. That’s taller than me. That’s so fucking ridiculous I can’t even fathom it. Buffalo isn’t a stranger to freak storms like this. October 2006, they were hit with a snowstorm that caused power outages throughout the city for almost a week. I remember one of the frat brothers I used to hang with tell me, “The fridge wasn’t working, so we put all our groceries in the snow.” My former boss’ wife told me, “People were stuck on the 90, and I was almost one of them. Driving home was awful.” I honestly cannot imagine the absolute horror of driving through the storm that passed over the Queen City. I can’t imagine driving around the day after, either. But, the University at Buffalo having that we-must-teach-our-students-no-matter-what kind of enthusiasm, has released a statement:

Facebook / University At Buffalo

“Not everyone will be able to travel to campus…” Here’s an idea, President Tripathi et. al, close the goddamn school. Are you honestly going to endanger faculty and staff to travel during a fucking disaster so severe that the National Guard was called?

You might not believe it, but neighboring Buffalo College, just 13 miles south of UB’s North Campus (by car, because no one ever fucking walks to North Campus from Elmwood) and 4 miles west of UB’s South Campus is fucking closed.

Facebook / Buffalo State
Facebook / Buffalo State

Yes, let’s mince words around and say that it’s up to the faculty and members of the campus community to use their best judgement. Why not just say, “School’s closed. Be safe.” Is there some dumb fucking school record about keeping campus that UB so desperately wants to get?


Students are outraged. The highways are closed, roads are closed, hell, even Niagara Falls Blvd. is closed (god bless you Cheeburger). Some students recall the last time UB didn’t close campus during a blizzard, they were stranded on campus. Some that tried to go back home ended up getting stuck (and others suffering a far worse fate — spinning out, getting into an accident). Even the buses that transport students back and forth from North to South Campus are getting stuck. Seriously, if these gargantuan buses are getting stuck, then what chance do students driving their 1997 Geo Prizm or 2002 Kia Sportage have?

It is absolutely irresponsible for UB officials to leave campus open. Say it with me. It is absolutely irresponsible for UB officials to leave campus open.

UPDATE: UB has released a statement on Facebook just 10 minutes ago. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Facebook / University At Buffalo