
10 Not-So-Awkward Gifts For Those “Friends” You Barely Know



1. Personal Popcorn Popper

Personal Popcorn Popper

You know that this friend of yours likes to watch movies — or shows — after work, because every time you ask, “What are you doing tonight?” they respond with, “Oh, probably stay in and watch something on Netflix.” And you know that they’re not lying. Get them some buttery-ass popcorn and this sweet-ass personal popcorn popper. They’ll look at you all wide-eyed and at the gift and they’ll be like, “Holy crap, I don’t need to worry about burning the popcorn bag anymore!” Yeah, you just saved their night(s).

2. Amazon Gift Card (Or Any Gift Card, Really)

Amazon Gift Card

Gift cards are thoughtless gifts, but honestly, it’s also the best gift you can get someone. Especially if it’s as versatile as an Amazon gift card. Why? You can buy anything you want on Amazon. Get a $50 gift card and voila, they can get gifts for themselves that they’ve always wanted. And you helped them get there. Look at that. It’s the gift that keeps giving (only twice).

3. Fountain Pen

Fountain Pen

Classy. Sophisticated. Daring. That’s what a fountain pen says about you. This is for that person that you hardly know, but you think is pretty suave. They have a cool signature and they always have some gel pen with them, but look, this fountain pen is what completes them.

4. Bonsai Tree

Bonsai Tree

You have a friend that’s really chill, but you’re not quite really friends with them. Well, get them a bonsai tree. You’re pretty much telling them that you find them to be pretty zen and that you respect that. Add a personal note and, boy you are going to get a friend for life.

5. Coffee Table Book

Humans of New York
Humans of New York

Nothing says, “You know how to socialize,” than a sweet coffee table book. And guess what, Humans of New York is a great place to start that conversation. From tear-jerking to flat-out funny stories, this book has it all and you and your friend (if they ever invite you into their apartment) can bond over and talk about how great life is.

6. Cards Against Humanity

Cards Against Humanity
Cards Against Humanity

This is something that anyone would cherish forever. It will be the game that comes off the shelf while everyone is drinking around your table. There’s no more words necessary for this.

7. ..or Apples To Apples

Apples To Apples
Apples To Apples

The original pee-your-pants funny card game for anyone of all ages. If you know your friend has a great sense of humor, this is the gift for them. Just make sure they don’t have Apples to Apples already. If they do. Cards of Humanity.

8. Swiss Army Knife

Swiss Army Knife
Swiss Army Knife

A multipurpose knife for a multipurpose person. Seriously.

9. Nalgene Bottle

Nalgene Tritan Wide Mouth BPA-Free Water Bottle
Nalgene Tritan Wide Mouth BPA-Free Water Bottle

You know they go to the gym every day, and they take a water bottle from the fridge just before they leave work. Think about the environment! Show them you care about them and the well being of this rock we live on.

10. I Am Not a Paper Cup

I Am Not a Paper Cup

Another one for the environmentally conscious. Paper cups and plastic lids for a one-time use? What the hell? Your friend loves coffee, but they love the environment too (you can tell, because they send emails about printing on both sides to save paper) and they drink coffee every morning. This will wake your friend right up and help reduce waste! Thought Catalog Logo Mark