50 OMG Stories From People On The Internet That Will Definitely Make Your Heart Stop

49. synergy00

I’m not sure how many of you are familiar with Allegany National Park. Its a park on the border of NY and PA. The road is Wolf Run Road, though on the park maps I believe it shows up as Dead End Road.
One night after it rained my family and I were riding in our van when we stopped on this road so my dad could collect some frogs. as he was standing at the side of the van putting the frogs into a container there was a VERY loud , deep throated growl from behind him. He spun and had me shine the flashlight in the direction of the growl and there was nothing there. At the side of the road there’s about 10 ft of grass before the ground rises so steeply it nearly forms a cliff face. After hearing the growl, my dad ran into the van and we hauled ass out of there.

Another time, on the same road, I was walking on my own on one side of the road while my sister and friend were on the other. On the side of the road they were on, there’s some logging roads that run a short way into the woods. I noticed they stopped and were just standing there looking at something. When I walked over, thinking they seen an animal or something, I seen a large black human shape down the road just standing there. The shape was all black like it was standing in shadow, except it wasn’t. The part of the road it was on was in broad daylight. I ended seeing the exact same shadowy figure a few years later on the same road after hearing very loud crashing noises as it walked through well lit woods.

About the author

Michael Koh

Follow Michael at @UghHugs.

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