50 OMG Stories From People On The Internet That Will Definitely Make Your Heart Stop

47. Kryptus

In 2004, there was a girl I really liked. One night I summed up the courage to ask her on a date. We went to a restaurant, drank some wine, and at about 11pm we decided to go to a beach called Mokapu, which is near Honolulu. It was really dark and there was hardly anyone out. We talked about each others lives and experiences and we laid down and listened to the ocean for a few hours. At about 2am strange things started happening. Me and the girl I was with felt our hands being touched by something small. We thought it was miniature crabs, but when we looked, there was nothing there. The moon was full that night so you could see a lot of stuff, but we saw no crabs. Then the weirdest sound was heard by both of us. It sounded like a baby crying. Keep in mind it was 2am and no one was around. The nearest house is about 5 miles away. We kept on hearing the crying. We both thought that it was cat crying or something, but when we looked at the direction of the crying, there was no cat to be found. We kept on feeling our hands being touched too. We both had had enough and we decided to leave. I just put it to the back of my mind thinking that it was crabs and a cat.

Two months later I was sitting with my hair stylist, who is a local, and we began talking about strange things that happen on the island. We were talking about Night Marchers and haunted burial grounds. Then she started talking about Mokapu. I asked what is so scary about that place? She said that a long time ago, Hawaiians used to take the deformed babies and kill them at Mokapu. She told me some people say that if you stay there long enough you will hear them crying. She told me that she heard them herself one night when she was there. The hair on my neck and on my entire body stood up. I told her what happened to me there.

About the author

Michael Koh

Follow Michael at @UghHugs.

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