50 OMG Stories From People On The Internet That Will Definitely Make Your Heart Stop

46. bkh

A friend of mine related this story to me:

He and his wife decided to take their three young kids to Mexico on vacation. They’re the type that want to see the ‘real’ Mexico, not the tourist towns. They talked to some people they knew from the area they were interested in (sorry, can’t remember) and were told that it’s a great idea, just don’t drive from city to city at night.

So they drove down and heeded the advice to only travel between cities during the day for a couple weeks.

One day, they realize that the city they want to see next is going to involve an overnight drive unless they take a flight and rent another car. They decide that nothing bad has happened so far and to just go for it.
It’s well after sunset and the road they’re on has gone into a canyon and the canyon is getting really twisy, the road really narrow.

They come around a sharp turn in the road and see a massive boulder in the center of the road. With some amazing luck he manages to avoid crashing into this thing and goes flying around the other side of the rock.
There’s about 20 people just standing there looking at them, all with various farm implements and weapons at the ready. They also notice a car that obviously didn’t avoid the boulder in the road, and bodies on the ground next to it.

About the author

Michael Koh

Follow Michael at @UghHugs.

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