50 OMG Stories From People On The Internet That Will Definitely Make Your Heart Stop

36. thegurl

My grandmother, in Italy, during WWII, went to market and bumped into a friend of hers. They talked briefly, her friend seemed distracted and in a hurry. Later that day, my grandmother was talking to a neighbour and told them that she’d seen her friend on the way to market earlier that day.

“That’s impossible,” said the neighbour. “She died two days ago, the funeral was this morning.”

Yeah, my Nonna bumped into her friend on the way to her own funeral.

37. Ron_Mexico_MD

One night, this guy was driving back home from his girlfriend’s house when a large dog ran out in front of his car. My friend had no time to swerve and hit the dog dead on. Being an animal lover, he jumps out of the car to see if the dog is alright or not. But before he can come around to the front, he sees the dog get up on two legs and run off into the field next to him.

About the author

Michael Koh

Follow Michael at @UghHugs.

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