50 OMG Stories From People On The Internet That Will Definitely Make Your Heart Stop

19. tunamuffin

I’m sure I’m a little bit too late for anyone to see this, but this is my family’s scary story.

So, my grandparents lived on a farm in the middle of nebraska. They had just gotten married, moved in together, and had their first baby. The baby was only a few months old and needed to be watched, but it was early morning and the cows had to be milked. My grandfather couldn’t have done the work alone, he needed my grandmother to help. The labor was easy and only took a short while to be finished and the baby, my aunt, had been fed awhile ago and was soundly sleeping. So my grandfather and grandmother both went to the barn to milk the cows, leaving my aunt asleep.

They finish milking the cows and my grandmother heads back to the house while my grandfather stays in the barn to do work. But when she approaches the house, my grandmother notices the door is ajar and swinging gently in the wind. She figures it is probably nothing, but is nervous just the same. She calls for my grandfather, who reluctantly comes to soothe her nerves. They enter the house together and hear the sound of the toilet flush just ending. Strange, yes, but farm houses in this area at this time had rather shotty plumbing, so while they become more nervous, they remain calm. They then pick up their paces and head towards the cradle where my aunt has begun screaming. The light, hanging down from the ceiling, is swinging violently as if it was just thrown on. My grandmother goes to pick up my aunt, noticing a black hair on her white gown. Both of my grandparents had white blonde hair and there is no one around who could own this hair. My grandmother becomes hysterical when my grandfather notices the latch to the attic is swinging, as though someone has just crawled up inside of it. He goes toward it, readying himself to open it. My grandmother lunges at him and convinces him in between her sobs to leave instantly, jump in the truck, and drive to town. Reluctantly, he agrees.

They never found out if anyone was in the house or not. However, a week later, Charlie Starkweather (not sure on the spelling) was found less than 30 miles away from their home. He was, i believe, the largest serial killer in America for a short time when these events transpired.

About the author

Michael Koh

Follow Michael at @UghHugs.

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