50 OMG Stories From People On The Internet That Will Definitely Make Your Heart Stop

16. Argle

This is the most unnerving story I ever heard, supposedly it is true. My best friend said it happened to his Uncle.

His uncle had a sugar shack, where he boiled maple sap to make maple syrup, and above the open vat of boiling liquid was rafters. The dude’s young daughter climbed up into the rafters and was playing up there, and then fell right into the boiling sugar solution. The vat was huge, so she went right under, and she came up screaming, flesh blistering off her, completely horrific. The guy took the big oar like implement he used to stir the boiling syrup and used it to push her back down under the water, and killed his own daughter, because he knew to try to rescue her, she’d pretty much be 100 percent burned, and would die an even more gruesome death.

About the author

Michael Koh

Follow Michael at @UghHugs.

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