Michael Hedrick

The Baggage People Carry

Sometimes the very obviousness of this baggage manifests itself through our words or actions towards others and although we know better we let our baggage show through the things we put our energy into.

How To Help A Friend Who’s Going Crazy

I can remember a time when I was lost. I wasn’t there. I had sunk into heavy drug use as a way to cope and if I hadn’t outright insulted my closest friends, I had alienated them.

How To Be Real

The story opens on the scene of a house party, maybe a college house party, but given the circumstances it’s most likely a high-school party.

How To Be Anonymous

Paranoia is defined by Merriam Webster as a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self importance.

How To Be A Wildman

In the woods, one can breathe. In the woods, there is awareness, a fully conscious idea of what it means to be alive.

In Defense Of Boredom

We are restless creatures. We struggle to fill our time, either with menial tasks that may or may not have any impact, or with a barrage of entertainment flowing from endless screens into our consciousness.