Just When You Thought She Couldn’t Get Any Better, Emma Watson Is Now Leaving Books On The Underground For You To Read

The Harry Potter actress posted this photo to Facebook on Monday with the caption: “I’ve been hiding copies of Mom & Me & Mom for Books on the Underground on the tube today! See if you can find one tomorrow! #OurSharedSelf”



Just when you thought you couldn’t love Emma Watson more than you already do, she decides to hide books around the Underground with handwritten notes for you to find.

This week, Emma Watson joined the Books on the Underground team as a Book Fairy and hid copies of Mom & Me & Mom by Maya Angelou in discrete places around the London underground.

Books on the Underground is an amazing project that helps readers share their love for reading with their communities.

The team is comprised of Book Fairies that leave books with stickers around the underground at given points throughout the year. Their site reads:

“Books on the Underground is as simple as it sounds. Our Book Fairies ensure that there are books travelling the London Underground, to be found by lucky travelers who then read them, hopefully share online that they found them (!) and return them to the tube for the next book finder.”

This week, Emma Watson helped the team spread the love. Mom & Me & Mom is the latest book for Watson’s feminist book club called “Our Shared Self.” Watson began the book club after she began her work with UN Women. To become a member, all you have to do is register for an account and join the group’s page on Goodreads.

The Harry Potter actress posted this photo to Facebook on Monday with the caption: “I’ve been hiding copies of Mom & Me & Mom for Books on the Underground on the tube today! See if you can find one tomorrow! #OurSharedSelf”

Some lucky tube riders have already found some of the books:




If you don’t live in London, don’t be too disappointed. Books on the Underground has gone international. The campaign was born in London, but now exists in New York, Washington D.C., Chicago and Sydney, Australia.

Who knows, maybe you’ll be the next lucky reader! Thought Catalog Logo Mark