We Do Not Fight Anymore


we do not fight anymore,
because the sound of the door
slamming behind you
is more beautiful
than the sound of you
crawling into bed with me

we do not fight anymore,
because my sighs are not filled
with anger,
but are filled
with relief

we do not fight anymore,
because her blonde hair
is a reminder of the life
that i do not want

we do not fight anymore,
because you are not
something i missed out on,
but rather a shooting star
i should not have wished on

we do not fight anymore,
because i do not have
any more tears for a past
that i choose not to remember

we do not fight anymore,
because there is
nothing left
to fight for. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Melisa Ergin

Following my heart and writing about where it takes me.

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