Don’t Date If You’re A Girl That Travels

You fall in love with cities, not people.


Gabi E. Mulder
Gabi E. Mulder

You fall in love with cities, not people.

You’re 22 years old and you’ve lived in 7 countries and visited over 100 cities. You’re hard to please. You are constantly looking for adventures and new experiences. The idea of being in one place for too long scares and bores you. There’s no appeal. You grew up on the road, and you can’t imagine leaving this life behind.

Ever since you can remember, your life has been filled with uncertainty and spontaneity. You have multiple different phone numbers and you’ve had so many addresses that you can’t remember them all.

You have an opinion. You are independent and you are strong. You care about global issues and it annoys you when people are ignorant. You speak multiple languages and you’ve learned how to cook several different cuisines.

You can go days or weeks without talking to people, and are too busy to check in with the ones that you leave behind. You are too busy exploring; searching for your next adventure. You meet people along the way that are like you, but also those who are different.

Among those people, you meet different men. You kiss on the beach, or in the snow. You spend long nights with them, sharing your deepest thoughts and your darkest secrets. You feel yourself starting to love them, but then it is time for you to leave.

You live a life full of relationships with expiration dates.

Your mind is constantly full of what ifs. You leave the person you could have loved behind. You still think of them as you travel, until you meet someone new. You kiss them. You fall in love. You think about staying. You think about changing your life for this person, but you know it could never make you happy, and you say goodbye.

The cycle continues.

You find yourself looking back at your relationships, and wondering what could have been. The men you could have loved all find someone new. Someone present who can love them fully. Someone who won’t leave. You find yourself alone, travelling, with pieces of you scattered around the world. You are happy, but a part of you will always wonder.

So don’t date if you’re a girl who travels, unless you are certain you won’t fall in love. And if you do fall in love, don’t you dare stay, let him go. Thought Catalog Logo Mark