Mel Rose

10 Things Only Women With Bathing Suit Anxiety Understand

3) You say things like “I’m really just not a beach person!” or “It seems like such a waste of time. I’d rather be doing something with my vacation.” You can think of any excuse in the book to avoid taking off that Forever 21 cover-up.

What It Feels Like To Miss Someone

Do you ever fully forget somebody? Does the day of your anniversary, or the day of their birthday, ever become a regular day of the year? Do you just forget the days you’ve spent together?

25 Things I’ll Teach My Future Son

7) Learn to cook a meal and then learn to cook another. I won’t always be there to make your dinner, and neither will the woman or man you end up with.

Stop Calling Men Creepy

Women of the world: we have got to stop calling every man that we’re not interested in “creepy.”

Stop Calling Women Crazy

When did it become okay to start labeling a non-diagnosed, perfectly healthy woman crazy? For hundreds of years, “female hysteria” was a common diagnosis routinely made exclusively in women who exhibited symptoms such as sexual desire, shortness of breath, and my personal favorite – “a tendency to cause trouble.”

You Broke My Heart And For That, I Thank You

I was a wreck. Totally destroyed. I would cry for no reason. I would cry at the grocery store. I would cry in the middle of an outing with friends. Nothing made sense. How could you just throw me away so easily after seven years?

What Heartbreak Feels Like

It’s the type of sadness that consumes your body, leaving you unable to function or keep a solid thought. It makes you tired, yet you can’t sleep. Your aching sadness follows you into your dreams.