Megan Rule

The Joy That Winter Always Brings Me

Even the darkest winter days can still have light in them, light that shines from the center of my home. A light that will always be there to guide me back home.

Never Give Up On Yourself

I hope that one day you see yourself the way your loved ones see you. I hope that one day you realize the radiance in the room is coming from you. I hope that one day you realize that the sun may not rise and set on you, but the stars certainly do.

This Is Why I Run

Nothing else matters in this moment, not the nagging fire in my calf muscles nor the tightness in my lungs, begging for me to stop.

Why We All Need To Love Like Beauty And The Beast

The thing is, this world is full of narcissism. It’s a world that doesn’t look beyond physical appearances. It’s a world where a story like Beauty and the Beast is a true fairy tale because we are surrounded by thoughts that marrying a Beast is seen as an act of charity and not true love.