34 One-Sentence Reminders For When You Feel Overwhelmed

1. Breathe.

2. Keep breathing.

3. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed—it’s not okay to let your overwhelm own you.

4. Own your feelings or else they’ll own you.

5. It’s okay if you need time to process the feelings that are currently bubbling to the surface of your spirit.

6. It’s okay if you’re not sure how to process the feelings that are currently bubbling to the surface of your spirit.

7. There isn’t always a roadmap on how to deal with overwhelm.

8. There isn’t always a roadmap on how to deal with grief, either.

9. Everyone processes their feelings of overwhelm in different ways.

10. Everyone processes their grief in different ways, too.

11. Saying everyone processing feelings in different ways is not an excuse to be mean or cruel to other humans.

12. There isn’t a “wrong” way to process feelings, but there are harmful ways to handle the things that are bubbling to the surface of your spirit.

13. Please be kind to your spirit.

14. Please be kind to yourself.

15. Please be kind to others, too.

16. Sometimes it can feel as if there is no kindness in our darkest moments but kind humans are there.

17. There is no shame in asking for help, and those who shame you for doing so don’t deserve your company.

18. It’s okay to lean on those humans if that’s what makes you feel better.

19. Leaning on the ones who love you doesn’t mean that you’re weak.

20. Leaning on the ones who love you doesn’t mean that you’re broken.

21. Leaning on the ones who love you doesn’t mean that you’re somehow incapable or insecure or needy or whatever negative adjective that you might come up with to describe yourself.

22. People need people—and leaning into that is okay.

23. It’s also okay if you want to process your feelings of overwhelm on your own, too.

24. Feelings of overwhelm are often suffocating, and there’s nothing poetic about that.

25. Sometimes writing out your feelings can make them a bit easier to process.

26. Keep breathing.

27. It’s okay to protect your peace.

28. It’s ok if you don’t know what to say.

29. It’s okay if you can’t pinpoint exactly what’s making you feel overwhelmed.

30. It’s okay to cry.

31. It’s okay to yell into the ether.

32. It’s okay to laugh.

33. It’s okay to love, even when things feel chaotic.

34. It’s okay to feel—full stop.

About the author

Megan Minutillo

I hate styling my hair.