Maya Kachroo-Levine

Your Biggest Fear In Your Early 20s

Your commencement speaker told you anything was possible. So did your advisor, over coffee in your last few weeks of your undergraduate career. Great things are ahead, they said.

To Those Studying Abroad: Go Have Sex

It is a very surreal experience to have sex in a language you don’t really speak, in a city that is not your own, with a man you don’t really know.

17 Reasons You Secretly Miss Your Old Flip Phone

You actually used to come home, sign on to your computer and have notifications when you opened Facebook. With a smart phone, you compulsively check your notifications every time the red number appears in the top right corner of your Facebook icon. Once again, that sense of wonder has evaporated.

The Love You Deserve Is The One That Will Let You Go

Find a love that will make you better. Find a love that will grow with you and make you stronger. Find a love that will help you follow your dreams. Find someone who will open doors for you, even if it means you’ll walk through those doors and leave them behind.