50 People Of All Ages Write & Share 4-Word Stories That Make Them Really Happy

"Sunshine at the beach."



1. “My family together again.” – Linda, 56

2. “Movie date with me.” – Chelsea, 32

3. “Sunshine at the beach.” – Rae, 26

4. “Summer Friday next week.” – Joe, 26

5. “Money to travel everywhere.” – Christina, 25

6. “We are in love.” – Jessica & Han Yee

7. “I’m becoming a mom.” – Laura, 31

8. “Applying for dream job.” – Julia, 23

9. “Homemade chicken parm tonight.” – Lorelai, 37

10. “Crossing the finish line.” – Luke, 30

11. “Marty & Maya sketch today.” – Lara, 22

12. “Still believing in love.” – Sara, 29

13. “No negative talk today.” – TL, 27

14. “Girlfriend is best friend.” – Sammy, 25

15. “Pool time now, please.” – Dalia, 22

16. “Aliens live among us?” – Maria, 24

17. “Iced tea on patio.” – Peg, 41

18. “Show me respect, always.” – Luce, 39

19. “McDonalds breakfast, don’t judge.” – Chase, 25

20. “Exercising with my BFF.” – Aya, 20

21. “Wine is always there.” – Samantha, 29

22. “Seeing my parents soon.” – Ana, 24

23. “Moving in with boyfriend.” – Liz, 25

24. “Long talks after midnight.” – Jenn, 26

25. “No emails for me.” – Eric, 28

26. “Pokemon GO this afternoon.” – Smith, 22

27. “Curly fries with cheese.” – Stella, 19

28. “Ex got cheated on.” – Mary, 22

29. “Don’t eat your vegetables.” – Carla, 7

30. “Becoming ‘grandma’ next month.” – Tess, 66

31. “Bitchy girl, bad haircut.” – Jamie, 23

32. “Margaritas for no reason.” – Sana, 25

35. “Getting inked this month.” – Jade, 20

36. “Need Gilmore Girls marathon.” – Isabella, 23

37. “Getting a little PUPPY!!!!” – Stephanie & Mike

38. “Bell bottoms comeback.” – Kayla, 25

39. “Salt water scrub bath.” – Lia, 24

40. “Moving on my own.” – Jeremiah, 25

41. “Long hair, don’t care.” – Gia, 27

42. “Really, really good sex.” – Lydia, 28

43. “Dressed up on Thursday.” – Tia, 27

44. “Getting my tan on.” – Eva, 21

45. “Logging off, loving it.” – Jared, 26

46. “Being honest with everyone.” – Emmy, 43

47. “Three day weekends, YAS.” – Kelsey, 25

48. “Happiness is cold pizza.” – Matt, 23

49. “Working hard, achieving things.” – Rylie, 26

50. “Fulfilled on my own.” – Ashley, 29 Thought Catalog Logo Mark