15 Things You Truly Appreciate Doing When You’re Not In A Relationship

Going to an event, a museum, a bar, or a movie by yourself, like a boss. Going places alone and not being worried about it is one of the most liberating social moves anyone can make.



1. Moving. Of course, having a significant other help you out with the actual logistics (and potentially heavy lifting) is a plus, but in terms of deciding to move, there’s no better time to do that when you’re on your own. You don’t have to plan around anyone else’s life, you just have to act on what you want.

2. Deepening your friendships. This really shouldn’t be something that doesn’t happen when you’re in a relationship; whether you’re single or super committed, making time to see your friends one-on-one is crucial. Regardless, filling your life with good friends you want to get closer to is a privilege and when you’re not dating someone, you’re inevitably just better at making time and establishing a go-to friend.

3. Doing all the around-the-house projects you’ve been putting off. It doesn’t have to be anything super intense, like building your own farm table. It can be as simple and fun as framing photos, painting your dresser, making fake flowers or candles for your living room, etc. Have fun, and make your living space more warm and welcoming to come home to.

4. Becoming the friend who hosts really good parties. And I don’t mean becoming the friend who always has more Fireball. I mean, being the one who picks a theme for a party and actually executes it in an on point way. Pick a signature cocktail, and make an appetizer that isn’t stale Tostitos and month-old salsa.

5. Writing. You don’t need to write for someone else (though if you want to find your dream publication and submit, that’s a great idea too). But really, you can also just write for yourself. Make yourself a personal WordPress, or get the leather-bound journal you’ve been lusting after. Put pen to paper – or fingers to keyboard – and see what comes out.

6. Traveling abroad. You only have to worry about your dream destinations, and no one else’s. All the who, what, when, where, and whys of your travel plans center around you.

7. Taking on hobbies. Part of the fun in being single is that you have time on your hands to fill with WHATEVER YOU WANT. Not only are you the boss, but you can absolutely take the time to realize that you really want to learn a language this year, or join a tennis group, or read a certain number of books by the end of 2016.

8. Making new friends. When you’re at an event or a party and it’s just you, you feel the fire under your ass to mingle, and meet new people. If you have a go-to person to talk to, often you won’t venture away from their side, and you end up missing out on meeting more people, and sometimes getting invited to more fun things.

9. Watching all the movies you’d be too embarrassed to watch in front of other people. For me, that would be the Mary Kate & Ashley movie Winning London. Or maybe Spice World.

10. Setting goals. Goals for the year, life goals, earning goals, personal goals, career goals.

11. Having a *~sUmMeR fLiNg~* where there’s no pressure and no attachment. Part of the reason being single is daunting is because you feel like you’re supposed to meet the “right” person at the “right” time. When your aim, however, is just to have some fun this summer, it allows you to take some of the pressure OFF. You don’t have to go out and find the perfect person, but you should feel totally happy to welcome someone who wants to have fun and hang out into your life.

12. Actually being single for at least half a year. Be on your own, get to know yourself, and ENJOY it. Single life isn’t a plague that you need to get rid of as soon as possible. In fact, everyone should have to grow accustomed to (and feel comfortable with) being single for a while. It’s good for our personal growth.

13. Finding an exercise or work out regimen you actually like. And don’t beat yourself up if it’s not intramural soccer, running, or hot yoga. It needs to be something that feels good for your body, and isn’t just part of the current work out scene. There is nearly every kind of exercise at this point – from Bollywood work outs to lifting competitions – and you need to find what will werk for you.

14. Going to an event, a museum, a bar, or a movie by yourself, like a boss. Going places alone and not being worried about it is one of the most liberating social moves anyone can make.

15. Organizing your money life. Because no one else should do it for you. Getting your finances together, making a budget, keeping tabs on your savings account and 401(k), and tracking any loan payments you have is important. Money realities aren’t going anywhere, so the sooner you get it all under control, the more confident you’ll feel. Thought Catalog Logo Mark