40 Simple & Direct Questions To Ask Yourself When You Aren’t Sure What’s Next
If I could chart out the five biggest things I want out of life, what would they be?
1. What do I not want to do with my life?
2. What did I learn from what my parents did for a living?
3. Who do I look up to, and what about their lives do I aspire to?
4. Where would I love to be in five years?
5. What about in 10 years, or even in 20 years?
6. If I could chart out the five biggest things I want out of life, what would they be?
7. Do I want a family?
8. Do I want to make travel a priority in my life?
9. How much do I honestly value making money?
10. What am I willing to compromise on in my life, and which goals are non-negotiable?
11. Who am I most loyal to in my life?
12. How do I deal with problems (by confronting them, or running from them)?
13. Do I put myself first, or others before me?
14. What kind of example would I want to set for those younger than I am, whether those are my cousins, children, or the kids I babysit for?
15. Am I a left brain person or a right brain person?
16. Do I dream in color or black and white?
17. Do I do better with visual aids, or am I more of an auditory learner?
18. Do I do my best work in a group setting, or working by myself?
19. Do I like working with adults or children?
20. Am I the kind of person who needs an office community, or do I just want to do my work and then be done for the day?
21. What is my all-time favorite television show, and what do I like about the culture and characters in it?
22. What characteristics am I attracted to when making new friends and getting into new relationships?
23. If I could live anywhere in the world (no restrictions), where would it be and why?
24. Do I thrive in crowded, bustling cities, in mid-sized cities, in small towns, or in the suburbs?
25. Do I need my personal space to recharge, or do I get my energy from other people?
26. How do I define love?
27. If there were one thing I could change in this world (with unlimited resources), what would it be?
28. If I could take a road trip in North America, what are the first five cities I would want to hit?
29. What are the top five places in the world I want to visit?
30. What is one value that my family instilled in me that I will always stay true to?
31. What is something that everyone expects of me that I’ve always resented?
32. What is one compliment that everyone gives me that I am really proud of?
33. If I were asked to define myself in eight words or less, what would I say?
34. What is one cause I will always stand up for?
35. Does the weather affect my mood?
36. If I could live with any friend (or S.O., or family member), who would I chose to live with?
37. Do I actually like school, or is my yearning to go back to school nostalgia-driven?
38. If I had the choice, would I continue my education, or do I prefer practical application?
39. What are three things that are always a source of happiness for me?
40. Am I the kind of person who feels more fulfilled in a happy relationship, or when I’m killing it on my own?